Matt Ogus – Mealplan

Finally – the first meal plan is about to go online! I am very excited I can show you the first meal plan (with some personal experiences included), since I know this is a topic which really interests and affects so many). I hope I can shortly afterwards show you awesome training techniques and exercises as well, so that we all get that perfect body going. I am currently building up a little stash of pictures, so I can actually show you, what the exercises should look. Therefore sorry that it takes so long and stay with me. The how-to’s on exercises will come very soon!

Matt Ogus Breakfast - Blueberry Smoothie

Stay on track with your calorie intake – and save money!

Back to the mealplan: Meal planning will help you to stay on track with calorie intake and simplify your daily life. Who can find an answer to the question: “whats for dinner?” every day of the week? With a meal plan: you! It also saves you money and reduces food waste, since you just buy what you will need for the upcoming meals and don’t fall shopping trap “Oh, I could cook this soon” – and end of trashing it because you forgot about it in the back of the fridge.

For your first dieting-mealplan my husband and I decided to follow Matt Ogus. He is a natural bodybuilder and his meal plan seemed the most appealing to us. We are two weeks in so far.

Matt Ogus Lunch - spinach salad

How are we doing with our mealplanning?

My husband enjoys it. He likes the 4 meals over the day and besides for the first days, I haven’t heard any complaints, that he is hungry. He is eating abot 2,500 calories per day, which, with his active lifestyle, still results in good shredding results.

For me, and I am not going to lie to you, the mealplanning is getting harder every day. The first days I loved. I loved the food and I loved that I didn’t had to think about what to cook. But the longer we are following this meal plan – the harder it gets for me. I am that person who likes variety. So having to eat the same thing over and over again is getting to me slowly. So I will probably try to change the meals up a little, by still staying in the same calorie range (for me about 1,500 calorie a day). I will keep you updated how that will go.


But now really:

The Mealplan


Blueberry Smoothie with Kale 


Burrito-Bowl (recipe to follow)



Post-workout snack:

2 rice-cakes
1 protein shake with 1 scoop chocolate protein powder


Yoghurt-Bowl with fruit



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